Monday, September 26, 2011

First Monday Weigh-In :o)

I made it! I made it to my very first weigh-in.  I've had anxiety all week.  I was excited this morning so it was the first thing I did when I got out of bed.  I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the number... it must be the scale.  So I stood on it again,  same number.  I thought the floor must be uneven (wtf?) so I took the scale from the bathroom into the kitchen... sure enough, same number.

Week 1 - I will eventually let the blogging world know my starting weight, at this point I'm not comfortable with that.
Week 2 Loss/Gain - (-8.0 lbs)
I'm so happy! I know this is not typical for every week but I needed this reassurance that I'm going in the right direction... especially after getting off track a little on Saturday....

more on that later...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Don’t be late….or I’ll punch you

I am a STICKLER for time.  I always give myself 15 minutes extra when it comes to leaving or arriving.  I like things done to be early and ahead of time. Do I have procrastinator tendencies?  Sure, I was the stressed-out college student that would be in the library to 2am because I worked better “under-pressure”.  I’ve always like to give myself a time window of when I want things completed.  I would love to sit goals like “I want to lose 50 lbs by Christmas” but that is unreachable.  For the first time in my life, I want to set a realistic weight loss goal… and beat the hell out of it.  I can’t count how many times that I’ve said, “I’m going to lose 30 lbs by (insert random event here – wedding, holiday, event where I will see and be seen by high school classmates)”.  The bottom line is that I’ve NEVER actually fully met that goal.  Granted, I lost about 20-30 lbs before my wedding, I’ve gained them back.  I have to live with fact that I was a “fat bride”.  I can’t dwell on that.  I would love to press the rewind button and go back, but I can’t.  Looking towards the future and the optimist side of me says it’s looking bright (while the pessimist side of me is saying “you’ll give up again, like you always do”).  I truly feel in it to win it this time.  I may have been the “fat bride” but I don’t have to be a “fat wife, mother, friend, and coworker” etc.  I want to be the BEST me, I can be.

So here and now, for the WWW to see, I’m setting 2 future weight loss goals.

1.        Lose 30 lbs by Christmas
2.       Lose 60 lbs by May 1st

I have alternative reasons for Goal #2.  Spring is going to be busy, busy, busy for me!  I’m hosting a bridal shower, baby shower, bachelorette party and going to MOH in a wedding!  I need to be svelte while doing all this!  I would love to treat myself with a hot LBD (little black dress) for the bachelorette party (heck maybe if I lost the 60 I’ll branch out from black…. At the size I am, I’m in constant funeral mode over here).  Maybe some think these goals are unreachable, maybe I’m setting myself up to fail.  I can’t say that I didn’t try.  I’m going to try my hardest. 
Thanks for reading J

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 2 - Step Away from the Scale...

I wasn't very clear yesterday of exactly which plan I'm following.  I've decided to go with Weight Watcher's Online.  So far, I LOVE IT!  Being the technology dependent person that I am, it's been awesome!  I have the iPhone App right at my finger tips.  I can track, calculate, look up recipes and just about everything else... from my phone! woo hoo!  I've already made some internet friends on the sites and they have great message boards for 20-somethings....(nothing creepy like chatroom creepy....A/S/L?)

I made it to Day 2 with NO cheating (pause while I give myself a pat on the back). It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I met my points goal and did not go over. I wasn't overly hungry at anytime. I took the advice of many and spread my meals out throughout the day. I think a lot of getting the hang of this is scheduling!

I think my greatest diet investment so far has been a generic tervis tumbler. I got a cute little plastic cup (with purple zebra animal print) with a straw at Big Lots for $5. It has made it SO much easier to meet my water intake. There is something easier about drinking water with cup/straw (OK.. maybe I'm just weird). I met my 8 "8oz" in NO time. I sure was clomping in my stilettos once an hour to the Ladies' Room.

I'm trying REALLY hard to only weight myself once a week. I know weight can fluctuate throughout the week and I don't want to get discouraged or get my hopes up. Hopefully, I can hold out till Monday!

What are some of your tips for staying on track?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My 25th "First Day"

Here I am again... my "First Day". If could lose a pound for every "First Day" of a diet I have ever started... let's just say I could squeeze into a size 14... maybe :o) I'm so driven in EVERY single aspect of my life, except for keeping a healthy weight. Could I blame genetics, school, work, my husband, busy life, carbs, and my cat? Sure I could sit here and blame all day long... The cold, hard fact of the matter is, I have NOTHING or ANYONE to blame but myself. I'm the one who does not exhibit self control. I'm the one who is a late-night snacker. I'm the one who will guzzle a bottle of wine and not even pay attention to how many calories it is (let's be honest, I didn't even give it a thought). I'm the one who would get the fried sampler platter of fried goodness and a "diet coke" (seriously, I crack myself up). I'm the one who had LIED myself and to others for so many years about my heating habits. Who wants to admit they could eat a frozen pizza in one sitting? I sure didn't.

Am I being hard on myself? You're DAMN RIGHT I am! My husband, family, and friends love me so much. I know they see me as beautiful and they tell me daily. I don't blame them for maybe sugar-coating (yum) the truth from me. They maybe could of said "Slow your roll...on eating rolls" but they didn't. I'm not even mad about it. I am 24 (almost 25) years old and I have known for a long time, what is right and what is wrong.

So here I am. On my first day and I'm declaring HERE and NOW for all the creepy Internet world to see... this is my LAST First Day. This is not the First Day of my diet... it is the First Day of New Life.

Thanks for everyone's support.